During 2017 working group was formed for auditing current SKIBOR rules, that were applied in 2007 and updated in 2011. Working group members were Sasho Radevski from Stopanska Banka AD Skopje, Vlatko Leshkaroski from Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje, Jovanovska Violeta from NLB Banka AD Skopje, Emil Jakimov from Halkbank AD Skopje and Zorica Stojanovska from NBRM.
After several meetings held, in July 2017, the working group delivered draft version of the new rules to the Liquidity Commission. After draft version was finalized, Macedonian Banking Association on its Assembly meeting held 22nd August, 2018, adopted new Rules for election and obligations of reference banks that quote interest rate for calculating SKIBOR and for the process of calculating SKIBOR itself.
New rules began to apply from 01.10.2018. With this change, old Rules for calculating and publishing interbank interest rate on the deposit market from 2007 are no longer valid.