This year daily traffic on the foreign currency exchange market in the Republic of Macedonia is moving between 30 and 45 million Euros.
Bojan Cvetanovski
President of the Executive Board of the ACI Macedonia – The financial market association
Q: You are the president of the ACI Macedonia – The financial market association. At the beginning tell us something about association, its type, previous history, about its members, international status…
Cvetanovski: ACI Macedonia – The financial market association is established on 23th of April, 1996 year, named as Macedonian Forex Club, initiated from the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia. In 2001 Association became part of the international association ACI – Financial Market Association with it’s headquarter in Paris and with members of 63 countries. Than the name was respectively adapted in ACI Macedonia – The financial market association that represent an international standard. Members of this association are all commercial banks from the Republic of Macedonia and National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia. Association is a non – profit organization that operates in accordance with its Status and adequate subsidiaries. Association is structured from: Executive Board, Supervisory Board and Assembly. Once in a year the Organization organized cheerful annual assembly where among the participants are all domestic banks, domestic and foreign experts, quests from foreign banks and representatives of the financial software.
Q: What is Association main purpose and whose are their regular activities?
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